
To facilitate: the development, growth and expansion of the Industrial Sector in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, by creating the enabling environment to strengthen and promote Private Sector Development through entrepreneurship, innovation and standards development.

The principal institution responsible for shaping the government’s policy in respect of the country’s institutional development and to stimulate the development of the industrial sector by promoting greater economic diversification, export competitiveness and improved productivity. This unit processes applications for industry incentives under the Fiscal Incentives Act, Chapter 366 of the Laws of St. Vincent and the Grenadines (Revised Edition) 1990.

Mission Statement

To stimulate the development of the industrial sector by promoting greater economic diversification, export competitiveness and improve productivity and investment, thus contributing to the socio- economic development of St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

Vision Statement

To be recognised as the leading government agency for the promotion of informatics and industrial development in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

(784) 456-1410
(784) 456-1111
ext. no.
office.agriculture@mail.gov.vc, agricomsvg@gmail.com
