
Hon. Saboto Caesar


  Welcome to the website of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, Rural Transformation, Industry & Labour.
The Ministry is the institutional body of the state responsible for the 
formulation, articulation and implementation of all policies and plans relating to Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, Rural Transformation, Industry & Labour. 
The administrative arm of this Ministry is responsible for:
   - The co-ordination of all programmes of the various Departments, Divisions and Units.
  - The maintenance of communication with local, regional and international bodies affecting the functions of the Ministry.
  - The administration of revenue and expenditure transactions approved by Parliament.

Minister of Agriculture, Saboto Caesar has underscored the vital role the Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI) plays in the sustainable development of agriculture in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

The Minister was delivering remarks at an exhibition at CARDI’s field station in Orange Hill on Thursday, 5th December, 2024, to commemorate its 50th anniversary.

The event highlighted CARDI’s ongoing contribution to agricultural research, increased productivity, and the integration of innovative technologies within the local agricultural sector.

Minister Caesar spoke about some initiatives to be implemented, to enhance crop production locally.

"We are going to see a significant realignment of the technical staff in the Ministry of Agriculture. It is going to be around the commodity approach where we are going to assign our Specialists, Technicians to work with different commodities and we are going to have a report card where we all are going to sit and grade each other as to how we are doing with each commodity."

Minister Caesar says CARDI will play a significant role in the rolling out of these initiatives.

"So, for example I know there is a significant expansion in dasheen production. We are going to set higher targets for the production of dasheen and all sundry will all know the names of the experts who are working with dasheen throughout the country, and we are going to monitor the efforts that we are going to put in throughout the country for an increase in production and productivity. CARDI is going to continue to play a very important role in all of this."

As part of the anniversary celebrations, awards of recognition were presented to CARDI’s staff, former employees, dedicated farmers and other individuals for their significant contributions to the advancement of agriculture.


SOURCE: National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC Radio)

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