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Kingstown, March 2nd, 2016- The Government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines has marked yet another significant milestone in the development of the Information Communication Technology (ICT) industry with the launch of an Internet Exchange Point (IXP).

On January 25th, 2016, the Eastern Caribbean Telecommunications Authority (ECTEL) in collaboration with the National Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (NTRC) launched the IXP at a ceremony which took place at the National Insurance Services Training Room, in Kingstown.

The IXP, which is an internationally recognized mechanism for achieving cost and service gains and ICT sector growth, was jointly funded by the Caribbean Regional Communications Infrastructure Program (CARCIP) SVG Project at a cost of EC $166,000 or US$61,824 and the Packet Clearing House (PCH) at EC $114,217 or US $42, 525. It is a location at which Internet Service Providers (ISPs), in country or locality, exchange domestic Internet traffic domestically between their customers on accost-neutral basis.

Now joining several CARICOM countries and the wider Caribbean in the operation of an IXP, St. Vincent and the Grenadines is poised to derive national benefits such as the provision of privacy control by keeping local traffic local, sensitive data would not be subjected to inspection by other governments and it enables co-ordination of security, infrastructure protection and abuse response activities.






March 13, 2015- High ranking officials from several Caribbean countries will assemble in Grenada next Monday March 16, 2015 to participate in the sixth Regional Steering Committee (RSC) meeting of the Caribbean Regional Communications Infrastructure Programme (CARCIP).

During this meeting, the RSC is expected to provide oversight and policy guidance in the implementation of the CARCIP. The Committee would also review the project implementation status as they monitor risks, quality and timeliness to ensure that the Program’s objectives are met.

The high-level meeting will be chaired by the Director of the Central Planning Division in St Vincent and the Grenadines, Ms. Laura Anthony Browne. It will hear progress updates on implementation activities from the CARCIP Project Coordinators who are Mr. Christopher Roberts of St. Lucia; Ms. Roxanne John of St. Vincent and the Grenadines; and Ms. Alice Bain of Grenada.

Progress updates will also be presented from the Project Officer of the Caribbean Telecommunications Authority (ECTEL) Mr. Winston George; Programme Co-ordinator of the Caribbean Knowledge and Learning Network (CKLN) Mr. David Edwards; and Regional Project Coordinator of CARCIP at the Caribbean Telecommunication Union, Mr. Junior McIntyre.

Also in attendance will be the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Communication, Works, Public Utilities, Physical Development and ICT in Grenada Ms. Jacinta Joseph; Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of the Public Service, Information and Broadcasting in St Lucia, Mr. Philip Dalsou; and Finance Manager at ECTEL, Mr. Isaac Mathurin.




Kingstown, March 3, 2015: The Government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is continuing efforts to increase the range of local business enterprises utilising modern Information and Communication Technology.

To this end, on Friday February 27th, 2015, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade, Commerce and Information Technology opened its first Call for proposals from potential Business Incubatees to receive Grant funding under the Caribbean Regional Communications Infrastructure Program (CARCIP) St Vincent and the Grenadines project.

The Grant will be administered as part of the Business Incubation and Training Grants programme where businesses can apply for maximum grant funding up to EC $150,000 (US $55,800).

To be eligible, the business must be ICT or ICT-enabled in nature and be a client of the eligible incubator acceptable to CARCIP which is the St Vincent and the Grenadines National Centre of Technological Innovation (SVGNCTI). The business must be legally registered with the relevant authorities in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, provide counterpart funding of 20% of the cost of the project (20% can be in-kind, an equivalent monetary amount or a combination of both) and accept the financial requirements of the program.

For more information, interested applicants can contact the CARCIP Office located on the 4th Floor of the CLICO Building in Kingstown at telephone number 456-1223 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The Call for proposals will close on March 27th, 2015.

CARCIP SVG is a project implemented by the Central Planning Division and coordinated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade, Commerce and Information Technology. It is a regional initiative that involves St. Lucia, Grenada and St. Vincent and the Grenadines and financed through a loan by the World Bank. This programme is estimated to cost US$2 million.


Kingstown, March 9, 2015: The Government of St Vincent and the Grenadines is inviting local businesses to submit expressions of interest to provide incubation services as it seeks to develop Information and Communications Technology (ICT) innovation in this country.

This initiative, which is part of the Business Incubation and Training Grants Programme, falls under the ICT-Led Innovation component of the Caribbean Regional Communication Infrastructure Program (CARCIP), St Vincent and the Grenadines project.

To be eligible, the business must be registered with the relevant authorities and have a physical presence in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. They must also have a suitably qualified and experienced business incubator manager and support staff. The services to be offered could be virtual or residential or both.

A business incubator is expected to be an organization designed to accelerate the growth and success of entrepreneurial companies through an array of business support resources and services that could include physical space, capital, coaching, common services and networking connection.

For more information, interested applicants can contact the Ministry of Information Technology located on the 4th Floor of the CLICO Building in Kingstown at telephone number 456-1223 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The request for expressions of interest will close on April 3rd, 2015.

CARCIP SVG is a project implemented by the Central Planning Division and coordinated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade, Commerce and Information Technology. It is a regional initiative that involves St. Lucia, Grenada and St. Vincent and the Grenadines and financed through a loan by the World Bank.


Kingstown, 15th January 2015: The Government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (GoSVG) is accepting proposals from locally registered Educational Institutions to deliver prescribed training under the Training Grants Programme of the Caribbean Regional Communication Infrastructure Program (CARCIP) St Vincent and the Grenadines.

The Training Grants programme forms part of the ICT-Led Innovation component of CARCIP. It will provide grant funding to individuals to receive training in key niche areas in Information Technology (IT) or IT Enabled Service development in SVG.

In order to be eligible to apply to deliver training courses the Institution must: be locally registered by the National Accreditation Board (NAB) of St. Vincent and the Grenadines; have a physical presence locally; and a track record of delivering training in the local environment for a minimum of three (3) years.

This training grants programme is expected to contribute to the achievement of the following:
1. Highly computer literate Vincentians;
2. Increase in the range of business enterprises utilising modern information and communication technology; and
3. Maturation of the ICT sector by 2025.

The total Grant funding available for training is US$0.525 million.

For more information, interested persons can contact the CARCIP Office located on the 4th Floor of the CLICO Building in Kingstown at telephone number 456-1223 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The Call for training grants proposals opened on Friday January 9th, 2015 and will close on February 6th, 2015.

Government of St Vincent and the Grenadines

Contact CARCIP

Telephone: (1 784) 456 1223

Email: carcipsvg@gov.vc

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